Friday, May 2, 2014

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

If your child is receiving online instruction, you may be unsure whether or not you should remain with him during his sessions. On the one hand, you want to ensure that the person who is working with your child is a good fit for him, and that everything is going smoothly during the lesson. On the other hand, you don't want to be distracting to your child (or the tutor).

Like all aspects of education, the question of how much supervision is needed is an individual one. Where some kids will need to be supervised continuously, others may be able to work more independently.  Some students may need more encouragement to stay on-task and complete their work. Other students may do well with more independence, but still need to know that they are accountable for their work in some way. Still, other students can be highly motivated to succeed on their own and require no supervision to complete their work.

Naturally, you want to consider all the needs of the student when considering your role during his lessons. The most obvious place to start is, does the child want you to remain? They are working with an adult they most likely have never or will never meet. Are they comfortable using the computer? Do they understand how to use whatever platform is being used to teach them (i.e. interactive whiteboard, Skype)? Also keep in mind the age of your child. Very young (1st grade and below) students have different attention needs from older students which can often be helped best with adult assistance. A student with attention differences would most likely benefit from adult assistance during tutoring time as well.

Many students prefer to work 1:1 with their tutor. This format is probably the most common and works for the majority of students. As long as the student is listening to and learning from the tutor, this is a format that works. It is important to ensure, however, that your child is taking direction from the tutor and feels comfortable with him. If you can be nearby to ensure that learning is happening, particularly in the beginning stages, you can help to make sure your child's relationship with his tutor is a positive one.

Online tutoring can be a great forum for teaching your child. It can put him together with tutors and resources he wouldn't normally have access to. It can also give your child an added sense of familiarity and comfort as lessons take place in his own home. It is vital to ensure that students have the level of supervision needed in order to make online tutoring a success.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Is Online Learning The Best Option For Your Child?

As the world becomes more and more dependent upon its electronic devices and Internet activity, more parents are considering virtual tutoring for their struggling students. Sure, it is probably the most convenient way for you or your child to receive instruction. You don't have to leave the comfort of your home, you don't have to drive anywhere, you don't even have to get out of your pajamas if you really don't feel like it.

But, not everyone can actually benefit from virtual instruction. There are many students whose learning and behavioral differences may inhibit their ability to learn effectively from an online teacher. Also, there are a variety of other factors to consider as well. Following are some points to think about when considering whether online instruction is the best fit for your child.

1. Does your child like to be on the computer? This should seem fairly obvious, but most parents erroneously assume that their kids automatically like to be on the computer because they are kids. Individual likes and dislikes naturally vary, and it's a good idea to confirm this with your child.

2. Does your child have the ability to use the computer in a basic fashion? Again, this may seem obvious to some, but I have had students who barely knew how to operate a mouse. It is an added frustration to the student when he or she can't manipulate whatever tools are on the learning platform and it is a drain on instructional time. 

3. Does your child have the attention capacity? Sitting in front of a computer for lessons requires more discipline than receiving face-to-face instruction. Your child needs to be able to remain seated for the duration of the lesson and keep their focus exclusively on the screen. It is essential that you are as honest and accurate as possible when considering this factor. If your child is not present, whether physically or cognitively, he or she will not get the full benefit from the tutoring session. Some time ago, I actually had a 3-year-old as a student for a few sessions. Her mother was displeased with her local Pre-K (they played too much ) and thought that her daughter would benefit from an online tutoring program to learn reading readiness and math skills. Suffice it to say, the child, being only 3, preferred doing other things rather than sitting still in front of a computer screen. Not to mention she barely knew her alphabet, could not count past 4, did not know her colors and neither she nor her mother could barely work a mouse. Still, it took several sessions of her mom struggling, I mean physically trying to hold the child to the spot, and me trying to convince her that the toddler's squirmy behavior was typical of most 3-year-olds, before she realized this may not be the best option for this child.

4. Does my child have the right equipment? I am not saying you need anything fancy here. A solid, working computer with a good, reliable connection to the Internet are all you need for most virtual classes. Check with your tutor to ensure nothing more is required. However, do be sure that these two basic components are,indeed functioning. You cannot have Internet learning without the Internet, or without something with which to access the Internet. It seems so obvious I shouldn't have to mention this, right? You would be surprised.

5. Does my child have the time to make a commitment to tutoring? Like anything else, tutoring takes work and it takes time. Before you pencil tutoring into your child's schedule, be sure that he or she will have the time available to make a go of it. 

Sure, as an online teacher, I could sit here and try to make a case that every student can and should learn from some type of virtual instruction. However, as a special needs teacher, I would be remiss if I didn't say that it is not the best method of instruction for everyone. It is important to evaluate each student's unique situation and learning style before deciding which method of instuction would best fit his or her learning needs.